
Showing posts from June, 2020

Women and the Book of Genesis

I am often asked the question: why doesn’t the Bible condemn men marrying multiple wives?  The Book of Genesis in particular can seem problematic, especially in today’s culture that is sensitive to an overtly male-dominated perspective.  The Bible is often attacked for appearing to make women less important than men. The reality is far from the truth.  It is true that the Bible clearly gives different roles to men and women.  In marriage, the man is given the role of leader and provider.  He answers to God for his marriage, and he is the head of his wife.  However, this does not mean that the wife is less important than the husband.  Just as the church is prized and immensely valued by Christ, so the wife should prized and valued by her husband.  In fact, 1 Peter 3:7 tells husbands to show honor to their wives, for they are fellow heirs of the grace of God.  If they neglect to show honor to their wives, their prayers will ...