What is this all about?
I have never been good at listening to sermons. When I was a kid, I couldn't stay quiet. As I got a little older, I couldn't sit still. When I finally arrived at the place where I was able to quietly sit still and listen to the sermon, I started falling asleep. Fueled by coffee, I solved one problem and caused another. I could stay awake but my mind would wander. It was my cross to bear.
These days, I am a pastor. I have the wonderful privilege of preaching God's Word each Sunday. My how the tables have turned. Like a cruel joke, I pour my heart into a sermon and watch a crowd of people struggle to pay attention, stay awake, sit still, and stay quiet. Its funny how life turns out...
All joking aside, Christians hear a lot of sermons throughout the year. Some are terrible, but others are truly good. I have walked away from great sermons feeling encouraged, challenged, convicted, and enlightened. But the struggle was always implementing the points of the sermon into the rest of my week. It would go something like this. I would hear a great sermon on serving others. I would decide to serve others more. I would pray and determine to serve others more. But Monday morning would come around, and I was not thinking about Sunday's message. By the time next Sunday rolled around, I probably could not tell you what the previous week's sermon was about. And this scenario would just repeat again and again. If you can relate, this blog is for you.
With this blog we are attempting to dig a little deeper into the message we hear on Sunday. Some posts might give practical steps to carry out, others might have thoughtful insights into the subject, and there may even be some testimonies or examples that have to do with our topic. The main point is to get us all thinking about living out God's Word during the week. So stay tuned! I hope and pray that together we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ!
-Pastor David
With this blog we are attempting to dig a little deeper into the message we hear on Sunday. Some posts might give practical steps to carry out, others might have thoughtful insights into the subject, and there may even be some testimonies or examples that have to do with our topic. The main point is to get us all thinking about living out God's Word during the week. So stay tuned! I hope and pray that together we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ!
-Pastor David
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