What's on your mind?

Philippians 4:8:
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

What's on your mind?  That may be pretty obvious right now.  It seems like one thing is on everyone's mind- this coronavirus.  It comes up in every conversation; it is on the top of every news source; and it is all over social media.  But what does all this thinking, reading, talking, and posting do for us?  Nothing, really.  At least, nothing positive.  On the other hand, it does have the potential of creating some negative effects.  It can stir up fear, feed worry, distract us from better things, and cause us to isolate ourselves even further from each other.

But why do we allow our minds to dwell on this so much?  When has life not been fragile?  When have we not been in complete dependence on God?  When have we been promised tomorrow?  When have we been safe from accident, sickness, or any other unknown of tomorrow?  When this situation passes, what will be different?  Whether we are facing this virus or any other earthly trial, one thing remains the same: our hope has been, is, and always will be in Christ.  Nothing else.  No one else.

For me, I will choose to dwell on the good things.  The excellent things, the things worthy of praise.  The things that are pure, right, honorable, and lovely.  Paul knew all about suffering.  The church he wrote to knew all about suffering.  And this is what they did.  This is what the Holy Spirit led them to do.

And I believe He wants us to do the same.  Fire requires fuel to keep burning.  Let's make sure we are fueling the right flame.

David Kleinhans


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